I have recently discovered a new item of fishing tackle that I can no longer be without. It makes my fishing more enjoyable and has made my fly fishing trips more successful. Modern technology is often criticised by angling purists, but this innovation will improve your catch rate and make your day more relaxing than ever before.
Last Christmas I got fishing tackle vouchers, a few books and the usual novelty gifts for the angler. None of these have improved by fishing or helped me to catch more fish. The fishing tackle that has improved my catch rate is an IPod.
That’s right. I am 100% sure that an MP3 player has made me more a more successful fly fisherman!
Let me explain. I usually go fly fishing alone, as I live in Manchester and my fishing friends are based in the North East of England where I first took up the sport many years ago. Except for passing the time of day with anglers at fisheries in Cheshire or fisheries in Lancashire and swapping tactics with my fellow fly fishing practionioners I tend to thrash the water alone.
An IPod has therefore given me the chance to choose between the peace and quiet of the English countryside or the opportunity to listen to great music whilst doing what I enjoy most without any interference from anyone else. It could not be more relaxing after a hard day at week at work.
I also think my IPod has helped me catch more fish. Try it.
Pre IPod I found that I regularly adopted the ‘standard retrieve’. The thing every angler does. You default to it whilst retrieving fishing flies when not concentrating on the job. It is usually repetitive. It doesnt mimick the movement of an insect and is not life like in any way. As a result it often means you can go for periods without catching fish due to a preoccupation with your surroundings.
With my IPod blasting out my favourite tunes, I soon started to vary my retrieve in time to what ever was playing at the time.
As a result the timing of my retreive varies and the movement of my fly is more erratic. The more realistic movement of artificial fishing flies led very quickly to takes.
After successfully landing a few Rainbow Trout from the lake it was clear the day was going more successfully than normal. In total I caught ten fish in four hours. I’ve never done that before.
I’ve caught more before, but never on a short ticket. I am sure that my IPod was the fly fishing secret that gave me a great days sport.
Since then I have visited a few more fly fisheries and had similar success. I firmly believe my IPod is responsible.
It remains to see if this new tactic becomes a distraction when fishing the dry fly. Roll on the summer.
For the anoraks, here are Top 10 combinations of tunes and tactics.
My Top 10 Fly Fishing Tunes:
- Bar Tender and the Thief – Sterophonics
- Massachusetts – The Bee Gees
- Make me smile – Steve Harley and Cockney Rebel
- I used to love Her – Guns n’ Roses
- This Is The One – Stone Roses
- Take your Mama – Scissor Sisters
- Islands in the stream – Dolly Parton and Kenny Rogers
- Video killed the Radio Star – Buggles
- Spitting games – Snow Patrol
- Whole lotta Rosie – ACDC
There are a couple of drawbacks associated with using an IPod whilst fly fishing:
- Thunder and Lightning – Holding one of the best lighning conductors in a storm is best avoided, so be careful that you dont miss any tell tale thunder whilst listening to your favourite music in the open air for hours on end.
- Appearing arrogant or deaf – I have inadvertently ignored a couple of anglers without realising it.
- Looking Like an Idiot – Avoid tapping your foot or bursting in to song and looking like a first class charlie!